Today we’re comparing two of the top identity theft protection solutions: IDShield vs CompleteID.
Both of these programs have established themselves as reputable options for safeguarding your personal information, but does either one of them rise above?
That’s what we’re here to find out!
As someone who has personally tried out seven different identity theft solutions, I’m here to share my insights and help you make a more informed decision by sharing my review based on my first-hand experiences with each company.
If you’ve read my other reviews before, you already know that Aura has a special place in my heart, but both IDShield and CompleteID hold their own as pretty solid programs.
I like CompleteID because of its straightforward pricing structure and comprehensive packages. Plus, if you already have a Costco membership, the pricing of their packages is quite attractive.
IDShield has a lot going for it too, but the interface limitations a significant source of concern for me.
What is an Identity Theft Protection Solution? Do I Need It?
Identity theft is not a joke, and the consequences can be emotionally and financially devastating. If the wrong person gets ahold of your information, they could ruin your credit score, access your bank accounts, or do any number of things—without you even knowing.
This is why having a reliable source of protection is crucial. But not everyone needs the same amount of protection or protection in the same areas, which is why it’s important to understand what your needs are before choosing an identity theft solution.
In this review, we’ll take a deeper look into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of IDShield and CompleteID’s programs.
We’ll compare their costs, usability, and customer service, so that you can make a more informed decision as to which option is best for you!
Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, you might be wondering if you even need to worry about identity theft protection. After all, you’re careful with your information, right?
But imagine waking up one day and finding out that someone opened a credit card in your name. You immediately panic because you know the consequences could be life-altering—affecting your credit score, financial stability, and even your reputation.
Then it dawns on you—you don’t know who has your information or what else they’ve done with it. Furthermore, you have no clue where to start fixing the problem.
Unfortunately, this is a nightmare that millions of people find themselves in every year, which is why having a reliable identity theft solution is crucial.
Not only do programs like IDShield and CompleteID help you detect potential threats (allowing you to take action instantly), but they also provide the support and guidance you need to restore your identity if the worst does happen.
As important as it is to have a protection solution, it’s equally important to have one that meets your individual needs, which is why I’ve worked hard to bring you objective reviews of some of the top contenders in the market.
Features: IDShield vs CompleteID
Both IDShield and CompleteID offer similar protection features, such as change of address monitoring, credit report and score monitoring, dark web monitoring, identity restoration services, and lost wallet assistance.
The difference between the companies starts to show when you take a closer look at exactly what’s offered with each feature.
For example, with IDShield, you only get credit monitoring from one credit bureau unless you pay extra, but CompleteID offers monitoring from all three credit bureaus in all of their plans.
We’re going to take a much deeper look at the features offered by each company in just a bit, but first, let’s take a second to discuss personal information monitoring, why it’s important, and how each company stacks up.
Personal Information Monitoring
Personal information monitoring is the process of scanning and tracking various forms of information to identify potential threats by detecting unauthorized use or exposure of personal data.
Most companies offer some type of personal information monitoring—perhaps the most interesting one for many of you guys is the dark web monitoring. However, some companies better than others.
Both IDShield and CompleteID do a good job with basic coverage. They both allow users to monitor email addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, financial information, and even public and court records.

IDShield goes above and beyond the basic coverage, though, by allowing users to monitor additional information such as employer ID numbers, cryptocurrency wallets, and gamer tags. In fact, as far as personal information monitoring goes, IDShield’s extensive range of monitored information puts them on par with companies like Aura and Identity Guard.
Although CompleteID also offers a wide range of options, they don’t offer nearly as many as IDShield. Also, I noticed that they put limits on the number of things you can monitor. For example, I could only add up to four email addresses, which wasn’t enough for me personally.
Not a deal breaker, but something to be aware of.
Personal information monitoring is the cornerstone of any good identity theft program, and in my opinion, the more personal information a program allows you to monitor, the better!
But personal information monitoring is just one of the things you need to look for in a good identity theft program, and what CompleteID lacks in personal information monitoring it makes up for in credit monitoring!
Credit Monitoring
Credit monitoring is another essential component of any good identity theft protection program. With comprehensive credit monitoring services, you can keep an eye on your credit activity and quickly detect any new accounts or unexpected charges. So if someone tries to open a Capital One credit card in your name, there will be an inquiry into your credit records and in theory, you’ll get an alert.

Both IDShield and CompleteID offer credit monitoring services, but when compared to other heavy-hitters, IDShield falls a bit short.
One of the most noticeable drawbacks of IDShield is that its basic plan only includes monitoring from one of the three major credit bureaus. To access monitoring from all three, you need to upgrade your plan and pay more.
In contrast, CompleteID includes three-bureau credit monitoring as a standard feature in all of their plans, along with monthly credit scores and annual credit reports from all three bureaus.
Another limitation of IDShield is the absence of annual credit reports and credit lock features, which are offered across all of CompleteID’s plans. While you can obtain your report for free from, other identity theft programs provide the convenience of accessing your report directly through their platforms.
On a positive note, IDShield does offer some unique features, like payday loan monitoring, which alerts you if someone tries to obtain a loan using your social security number.
Dark Web Monitoring
Now that we’ve explored personal information and credit monitoring, let’s get down to business and discuss what could be considered the most crucial aspect of any effective identity theft program—dark web monitoring.
Imagine dark web monitoring as a diligent sentry stationed at the gates of a fortress, serving as the first line of defense against threats. Just like a sentry keeps a watchful eye on their surroundings, dark web monitoring scans the deep corners of the internet, constantly watching for signs of compromised data—namely, your personal information. If it finds anything suspicious, it triggers an alert, giving you time to take action before your information falls into the wrong hands.
With the growing number of data breaches and cyber threats, it’s more important than ever to have this layer of protection.
So, how did these two companies compare in terms of dark web monitoring?
Well, it’s actually hard to say because of IDShield’s interface issues, which we’ll talk about more in a bit.
With CompleteID, I get 14 dark web alerts related to my personal information, and eight of those were unique. Most of these alerts pertain to login credentials from websites like Adobe and Myspace, and there was even a leaked password from one of my Gmail accounts.
Quick side note—I’ve changed my password since then, but that’s exactly why you shouldn’t use the same password across multiple platforms!

I would love to tell you how CompleteID compares to IDShield, but that’s where we run into a bit of a problem with IDShield’s interface. I know that when I signed up, I had 17 alerts, and I’ve received a few since then. Unfortunately, there’s no way to go back and revisit the alerts once you’ve cleared them.
So, I can’t tell you how many of those alerts were unique or even what it was that IDShield found, which is frustrating because if you don’t know what the alerts are, then you can’t act on them.
However, for the sake of fairness, let’s assume IDShield discovered 17 hits concerning my personal information. That result is relatively commendable when compared to other programs, such as LifeLock, which only turned up eight dark web alerts.
Comparatively, both IDShield and CompleteID turned up close to the same amount of alerts, but I found IDShield’s interface issues to be a significant drawback, especially if you’re somebody who wants to keep track of your alerts over time.
Resolution and Customer Service
Safeguarding your private data is important, but what if your information has already fallen into the wrong hands? Which brings us to our next point—resolution and customer service.
Both IDShield and CompleteID offer comprehensive resolution services from a dedicated team of restoration specialists who help guide users through the complex process of restoring their identity.
Furthermore, both services provide a $1 million identity theft insurance policy to eligible members, covering certain expenses associated with identity theft.
In my personal experience, I found the customer service teams from both companies to be pleasant and willing to go out of their way to help me, which is exactly what you want when dealing with something as traumatic as identity theft!

IDShield’s 24/7 availability and access to licensed private investigators may be beneficial to users seeking immediate assistance. Meanwhile, CompleteID users benefit from the support infrastructure of Costco, which is known for excellent customer service.
While I recommend considering alternative solutions like Aura (check out my Aura review to learn more about why I love it), if I had to choose between IDShield and CompleteID, I would opt for CompleteID.
Their straightforward pricing structure and comprehensive packages, combined with affordability, make them an attractive option.
Whatever you decide, remember to check my links for the latest deals and recommendations.
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